Lately God has been bringing the word BRAVE into my life. In
my favorite songs, in books, movies. It’s been everywhere.
I've been learning, and believing that with God I really can
do anything! I've done and continue to do things I NEVER thought I would do,
only by the grace of God. Through God I can overcome my inability. God makes me
It’s something God has been teaching me. Looking back I can
see it’s been something He’s been bringing up over the years. He’s called me to
do things I never thought I’d do, He’s called me to face my fears and I've realized I
can do it!
Brave is defined as this:
"To possess or exhibit courage or courageous endurance."
Growing up I definitely would NOT describe myself as a brave
person. I was shy and crippled by fear. There were a lot of things I didn't do
because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it. There’s a quote I heard
recently. “Fear kills more dreams then failure ever will.” That is so true! How
many dreams have we given up on, not because we've failed, but because we’re
too scared to even try?
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
-Joshua 1:9
Did you catch that? God COMMANDED Joshua to be strong and
courageous. So many times we pray and ask God to give us strength and courage, but
as I read this verse I wonder; maybe that strength and courage is already inside
of us? God is always with us, He tells us that over and over thought the
scriptures (Matt 28:20). If God is for us, who can be against us (Rom 8:31)? So
if God is with us and for us, why aren't we brave? That should give us great
courage and joy, in the end God wins! God has defeated Satan, and all of our
fears. We are more than conquerors (Rom 8:37), not by our own strength but by God's strength.
Now I’m not saying being brave easy, I’m still working on it
every day! But God never promised an easy life, He just promised He’d be there
every step of the way.
Though Christ I am brave.